Friday, January 30, 2009

My Skill

Another thing about me is that I can do makeup

Well I'm not that good, but I think I Have the skill

Well I learn by myself by the way, just too keep in touch with my artistic value

Well this one up here is inspired by Kim Kadarshians......... soo it seems.... hantam jak lah.......

well this is my sis..... for this pic i did the smokey eyes.............. berasap-asap

And this is what I call futuristic.... u think?

This one u might not see properly, but I'm achieving the simple, natural look...... for my sis that is

Well that's all about my hidden skill people..... chiowwwww

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is all this moisture

- OMG it's just keeps on raining
- Well i know all the trees are happy getting H2O and all but, man this is like 3 days
- As currently I'm in holiday and has been appointed to be the part maid, the clothes r not getting dry anytime soon
- Just hate this

- I know this pic does not have anything to do with this current post, but Uolszzzz are forgetting the main thing here, this is Daszz Etravaganza so there must be something about me

- Basically that is my room, decorated by me........ love it
- Chiowww chiowwww cincau

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Always about me

- Hello everybody
- This is the first time ever i started a blog
- Behold the list that u need to know in order to know everything about me:

Daszz D&G

1) I live in Kuching
2) That is in the Borneo Island............ to b more specific.......... land of the headhunters
3) Still as student in a local collage
4) I love branded stuff only ok.......... (wah!!!!)
5) Mixed race
6) Will be graduating by this year (Insya- Allah)
7) Loves hanging out.... most of the time
8) Nowadays I'm quite busy....coz final year la.......
9) Seriously fun to hang around with
10) Yes I do go for clubbing
11) ................. I'm FAT!!!!!!....................... just to remind me of my weight
12) I use color contacts all the time.... luv it.....if u got a problem with it..... go figure
13) Always dress to impress
14).............. that's's not like anybody gonna read it anywaysz.....chowwww