Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Always about me

- Hello everybody
- This is the first time ever i started a blog
- Behold the list that u need to know in order to know everything about me:

Daszz D&G

1) I live in Kuching
2) That is in the Borneo Island............ to b more specific.......... land of the headhunters
3) Still as student in a local collage
4) I love branded stuff only ok.......... (wah!!!!)
5) Mixed race
6) Will be graduating by this year (Insya- Allah)
7) Loves hanging out.... most of the time
8) Nowadays I'm quite busy....coz final year la.......
9) Seriously fun to hang around with
10) Yes I do go for clubbing
11) ................. I'm FAT!!!!!!....................... just to remind me of my weight
12) I use color contacts all the time.... luv it.....if u got a problem with it..... go figure
13) Always dress to impress
14).............. that's's not like anybody gonna read it anywaysz.....chowwww