- Hello everybody!!!
- Hope u guys have a great Valentine's day
- Mine was nice and tranquil
- Basically I spent it with my scandal, Sitie, a.k.a Three and her friend, Ida and her friend's BF Corry ( hope i got that spelling right)
- Well, since I'm doing a side business as a makeup artist (katanyerrrrrrr!!!!), I was asked to do make up for miss Sitie (well FOC la, geng bah).......... sorry Nadia terpaksa pinjam shadow kau sikit :P
- Then we went to pick up the hot couple and we had our lunch at Sushi King... been quite a long I've not been there............ Lots of thins to talk about...... including the girl with the "Helmet Hair"............. eewwwwww fashion Faux Pa
- Since I've been craving for ABC............ we proceed with our full stomach to the ever so famous ABC seller.............Boon Khai!!!!!........ nyam skal
- F.Y.I.... there was this one old lady who had bouffant her hair from back till front.......OMG she actually looks like Queen Elizabeth....... sorry that was not a compliment....

- Chiowwwwww