Maulidur Rasul yang jatuh pada pada hari Khamis 12
Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah bersamaan dengan 23 April 571 merupakan hari keputeraan
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Baginda adalah
nabi terakhir yang diutus oleh
Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Tapak kelahiran baginda pula kini mempunyai satu bangunan kecil yang dikenali sebagai
Maulid Nabi.
Obviously I copy paste the introduction above from wikipedia............... but what the hack, at least there is some informative introduction right
I join the first time in my life the Maulidur Rasul Celebration at the
UNIMAS main campus here in Kota Semarahan................ well, all the sudden I have this urge to join as much university activities as I can being a final year student
Suprisingly I was the only final year representative............... where is the other religous people form my batch gone too.................... the
devil in this Malay outfit is going to represent them on their behalf, :p

That person on my right with the songkok is my 4th year junior,
Mohad.............. verrry nice guy.......... he is the only year 4 joining the parade

These i s the banner made by the year 1 medical student................ kinda like it............. very creative with the heart shape thinggie.................... we actually won 3rd price for the banner........ didn't really expect it though

This is my grand, grand, grand junior budddy...............
Fiqa............. beautiful and cute........... perangei sebijik kedak aku.............. she knows my dirrrty little secret..................... BTW the juniors are wearing green............. it's like an almage to the enviroment

Saje- saje............. coba ambik gambar ala2 potographer bah............. ngetest sikit.................. from Mohad jaw angle................. kinda like this photography thing............. just need to get my own XLR camera................ but a little bit tight in the budget department

Here comes the student from the Cempaka college............ all in orange.......... verrryyy oriental............ like lime and oranges during the summers day

We paraded just within the UNIMAS new main campus................. don't really know the place in the picture above.............. may be somewhere near the administrative building........... but it has fountain in front of it

Then we end up in one of the lecture hall I guess.......... can't really tell.............. and basically
the second part of the event takes place................. love the speech from the ustaz

Sorry for the blurr pic................... my hand is not that steady............ plus......... aku xda XLR camera............ jeles aku nangga student lain ya......... mala jak terkelik- kelik camera cdak............ sik apa, janji muka kacak :p

Daszz Razz Ma Tazz and one of my favourite 2nd year junior
Loco Coco Mojo, Malay guy from Ipoh Perak.............. very friendly person................ Loco the clown............ Daszz of coz the
model lah apa gik

The following are more picture of just me or my stuff, he he he .................... for the pic above my intention was to take the picture of the beautiful ceiling architecture but some how my face got in the way.............. hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder

Ambik gambar my Malay outfit diamond buttons................ ala2
magazine seri andaman lah........... again testing my photography skills................ bought that buttons at Philipino market at Sabah.... land below the wind

Took a picture of the 'Sampin' that I wore with the baju Melayu............. that Sampin is older than me........... I donno how much it worth............ real
gold thread ok............... I scavange from my dad's closet

Tengah boring- boring listening to the talk............... I took a picture of some of my liabilities........ mind u... these are not asset............ land, house and shares are asset people...... not even cars............. love my SEED wallet, verrry
crocodile skinish
My contact lens I'm wearing right now.............. the brand is Blincon............. but still prefer Freshkon, coz the colour is much more brighter and bolder

My favorite
Louis Vuitton watch................. the skeleton watch................ bought it at French Gallery, worth every penny

The whole event ended at about 12.30 noon time................... our College
(Lot 77, Medical College) won 2nd runner up for best banner and parade............. bangga koh, we didn't expect it at all................ That is my new pic............ verry nostalgic, don't u think................... ok...... enjoy guyszz